How often should I test the pool water?

We hear this question almost every day, and for good reason. The testing and balancing of pool water is an essential part of pool maintenance. Several factors determine the frequency of water testing, including temperature, pool size, number of swimmers, and how often the pool is used. Temperatures that are warmer and usage that is higher require more frequent testing.

In peak swimming season, the average pool should be sanitized twice a week and have its pH balanced at least three times a week. At least once a week, check the total alkalinity (TA). Water chemistry factors such as calcium hardness (CH), cyanuric acid (CYA), total dissolved solids (TDS), and metals and phosphates can be tested less frequently, at least once a month. Salt water pools are less prone to rapid fluctuations in salt levels. Additional testing may be required before and after the pool party if there are a lot of guests.

Testing and maintaining your pool by yourself can be done, but it can get complicated quickly. Leaving it to the professionals can mean less stress for you and a healthier pool.


How do I balance my pool water?